Author Topic: Madeleine McCann Connection  (Read 41496 times)


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2019, 10:27:35 AM »

Maddie ‘spotted five weeks ago’

Sunday 10 Aug 2008 7:10 pm

A British businessman claims he saw missing Madeleine McCann in the Caribbean five weeks ago.

Trevor Francis said he was sure the young blonde girl he saw was Madeleine because she had a distinctive mark on one of her irises.

‘I saw Maddie. I know it was her,’ he said. ‘I saw the unique blemish in her eye.’

The 64-year-old said he saw the girl with three South American or Spanish women in a restaurant on the Venezuelan island of Margarita.

‘There are sometimes white children in Venezuela but not as fair as this child. What I noticed most prominently were her eyes – they were big and staring,’ he said.

He said he wanted to intervene when he saw the girl but was afraid he would make the situation worse. Mr Francis, who owns a nursing home in West Sussex but mainly lives on his yacht in Margarita, has told police in Britain of the sighting. Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry, said: ‘Mr Francis’ account mentions Madeleine’s eye which makes it perhaps more serious than other sightings.’ Maddie, then three, vanished more than a year ago while on holiday in Portugal.


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2019, 10:29:10 AM »
Madeleine sighting in the Caribbean just 12 weeks ago

10 Aug 2008 00:00 A little girl with Madeleine's unique eye blemish was seen in the Caribbean just 12 weeks ago.

A little girl with Madeleine's unique eye blemish was seen in the Caribbean just 12 weeks ago.

The sighting is being treated as "high priority" by Kate and Gerry's private investigators as it is the first to mention the distinctive mark in her right eye.

Briton Trevor Francis, captain of a charter yacht, is convinced he saw Maddy on the island of Margarita where he was moored.

The marina is on a direct shipping route from Portugal - where she was snatched. He saw three women in a restaurant on May 16 with a girl he is "85 per cent certain" was Madeleine.

Mr Francis has told British police: "I noticed that the little girl was white with fair hair.

"There are sometimes white children in Venezuela but not as fair as this child.

"She really stood out. She was the absolute image of the missing Madeleine McCann. She was very sullen-looking and refused to eat. She looked unhappy and out of place."

He added: "I shuffled in my seat so I could see 'Madeleine' clearly.

"I was about four or five feet away from the little girl. Her eyes met mine as I walked past and that's when I saw the little blemish in her right eye - it was like a little fleck."

British police advised Portuguese police to treat the sighting as "very high priority", but the files do not say what, if any, action was taken. The McCanns' spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "It is very encouraging that Mr Francis got close enough to see the mark, which we believe is unique to Madeleine.

"Our investigators will be speaking to him."

In another new sighting, Angolan Marco Ventura claimed he saw a girl identical to Madeleine in Portugal, in a Dutch-registered BMW, five weeks after she disappeared.

Two other witnesses have said they saw her in Holland.


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2019, 10:29:51 AM »

Processos Vol XVI
Page 4375

Service Information

Date: 2008-06-17

To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation, Paulo Rebelo

From: Inspector Ricardo Paiva

Subject: Communication to join to the process files

Within the scope of the investigation referred to above into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, this police station received information from the British authorities, telling of an alleged sighting of the girl in the company of three women at about 13.00 on 16th May 2008 at the Lugar de Enquenter restaurant, situated in the Avenida de Mayo in Porlamar, Margarita Island, Venezuela.

The alleged sighting was reported to the British authorities by a sailor named Trevor Francis, captain of a sailing yacht who was staying at the Marina Hilton and had lunch at the restaurant that day.

The Liaison Officer of this police force in Venezuela was requested by fax to gather all the pertinent information about this subject as well as the diligences considered appropriate, in the sense of preserving elements (security camera images, contacts with eventual witnesses, etc) in order to check the reliability of this information.

I bring this to your knowledge.


Inspector Paiva

(Doc linked in TOC)



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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2019, 10:30:47 AM »
From :
Sent : 9th June 2008 16.07
To : Burrows Gary
Subject : Our Ref - Serial 598 09:06:08 Madeleine
Sensitivity : Confidential

------------------------Original Message------------------------

From : Lunn Abigail DL505
Sent : Monday 9th June 2008 16.05
To : 'Gary.'
Subject : Our Ref - Serial 598 09:06:08 Madeleine
Sensitivity : Confidential

DC Burrows,

I attended Baytree Nusring Home this afternoon and took a detailed 4 page statement from Trevor Francis, the owner.
Mr Francis is retired, however he is the Captain of a Charted Yacht that sails to various locations in the Carribbean. One of these is the Island of Margharita, where Mr Francis spends most of his time.

He is now back in England til next Monday.
Mr Francis says that he was in a restaurant called "LUGAR DE EQUENTER", which is (on, (sic)) one of the main roads in "PORLAMAR" on Margharita, on Friday 16th May 2008 with a casual female aquaintance at about 1300hrs.
He was having difficulty with his order, so when 3 females with a little girl walked in through the front door shortly after 1300hrs, he didn't take any notice at first. A few minutes later he glanced over and the little girl immediately stood out.

His first reason was that it was a fair haired white child, which is unusual on the Island. He said that, although he hasn't been in the UK for all of the Press coverage, he has seen pictures of Madeleine on TV and is sure that it was her.

The things that stood out for him were :
- She was approx 4yrs, white, fair collar-length hair, "pretty little girl".

Page 4378 (Page 3 of 4 )

- He says that she is the 'absolute image' of Madeleine.
- She looked 'sullen' and unhappy, and was refusing the food that one of the females was trying to feed her.
- When he walked past her on his way out, he was approx 4-5 feet from her, and he noticed a distinctive blemish in her right eye, like a fleck.

- He has said that he was so amazed by the little girl that he didn't pay any attention to the 3 women. All he could say was that they were all of South American/Spanish appearance, approx late 30's to early 40's. One female had bleached platinum blonde hair, of slim build, one was of a fairly heavy build with long dark straight hair and the other was of a heavy build with short dark bobbed hair. He says that the only distinctive thing about them was that they weren't very pretty !

- He also thinks that the women could possibly be local as they seemed to know the waiter, and didn't hesitate when finding a table - they seemed familiar with the place.

Mr Francis says he is 85% sure that it was in fact the missing Madeleine McCann. I have sent the statement and the statement taking notes via recorded delivery, marked urgent to the address you gave. This was done immediately after I finished taking the statement, at about 1600hrs before I booked off duty.

I hope that this information is sufficient until the statement arrives. I am on duty 0700-1600 hrs tomorrow, however if it is urgent then please call and speak to a Sergeant at Worthing.

Kind Regards


(Noted here are several lines of Official Guidance relating to general issues regarding Confidentiality of documents relating to this "sighting")

Page 4379 (Page 4 of 4)

Ricardo Manuel Goncalves Paiva

From : Hughes John (DC) ( ( )
Date : 10th June 2008 12.22
To : Ricardo Manuel Goncalves Paiva
Subject : FW : D6507 1.pdf
Annexes : D6507 1.pdf

Further information on the sighting in Margarita.
DC John Hughes

From : Long Lindsay
Sent : 10th June 2008 12.20
To : Task
Subject : D6507 1.pdf

Thank you for your cooperation.
Leicestershire Constabulary.

4380 to 4383 Witness statement of Trevor Francis (English)
16-Processo 16 - Pages 4380 to 4383




Table of Contents : Processo Vol 16..(PDF pages 249-252)...Pages 4380 to 4383-"Witness statement of Trevor Francis (English)"
Vol 16 Page 4380 (Page 1 of 4) (Handwritten statement)

09/06/2008 15.17 01243843566 (COPY - A3895) PAGE 01/04

RESTRICTED (when complete)

Statement of Mr Trevor FRANCIS

Age if under 18...018....(if over 18 insert 'over 18') Occupation : Retired.
This statement (consisting each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
(signed) : T Francis

Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded....(No tick indicated)

My name is Trevor FRANCIS and I am the owner of Baytree Nursing Home in Worthing. I am rarely in England as I am the captain of a charter yacht. I spend a lot of my time sailing, however I am based in a place called PORLAMAR, which is on the island of MARGARITA. For the past 18 months I have been there, living off my boat in the 'MARINA HILTON' which is what the marina is known as because it is in close vicinity of the 'HILTON' Hotel. I have been back in the UK for about 4 weeks now. This visit is so that I can check on my business etc. Just over three weeks ago, on a Friday : I am sure it was the 16th May, I was in a restaurant on the AVENUE DE MAYO - the main road in the town of PORLAMAR. I was in there with a casual female aquaintance, having some lunch. This was about 1300hours. The restaurant is called 'LUGAR DE ENQUENTER' which means 'THE MEETING PLACE' in English. It's a typical cafe/restaurant, with rows of different tables in an open plan area. The tables are in no particular arrangement, and there are large glass windows that let in plenty of sunlight ; the restaurant faces South and so gets lots of light in. As it is in an open plan restaurant there was nothing to obstruct my view of

Page 4381 (Page 2 of 4)

the other people in the restaurant. There were a few people in the restaurant. Just after about 1300hrs, the door opened and three females with a little girl came in. They sat down at a table opposite me, about 20 feet away from me. There were two tables between us, with one person at each, but they did not obstruct my view of their table. At first I did not take any notice because I was having trouble with my food - I had to send it back and the drinks were taking too long. Once I had sorted out my order, I glanced back at the table with the women and the small girl. I noticed that the little girl was white, with fair hair. There are sometimes white children in Venezuala, but not as fair as this child. She really stood out. I was transfixed. She was the absolute image of the missing Madeleine MC'CANN, with chin length straight fair hair, about 4 years old, a pretty little girl. What I noticed most prominently were her eyes - they were big and staring. Lots of things went through my mind - I wanted to jump up and grab her or shout out her name and see what reaction I would get from the girl. However I was afraid to do anything and cause a scene, as a huge raucous would have erupted, and it could have made things worse. Venezualan Police are not very helpful to foreigners and are very corrupt. I decided to get a good look to make sure it was her so I could come back to ENGLAND and reprt it. I shuffled in my seat so I could see 'Madeleine' clearly. The little girl sat facing me, with a female either side of her and one sitting on the opposite side, but not directly in front of the girl, so I could see her well.

Page 4382 (Page 3 of 4)

I didn't pay much attention to the three women because I was concentrating on the little girl. However from what I..((Note : "would say" initially written but struck through here))..saw, I would say that they were all of Spanish/South American origin. Female 'one' I can describe as being heavily built, dark short bobbed hair. Female 'two' had bleached platinum blonde hair, with a slim build. The third female, 'female three' had long black hair, and she was heavily built. I can't remember how tall they were or what clothes they were wearing, but they were aged between their late 30's to early 40's. One of them was wearing a red top but I can't remember which one. They weren't very pretty. They seemed to be local women, as they didn't hesitate at finding a table when they came in and they seemed to know the waiters. One of the women sat next to the little girl was trying to feed her what looked like some sort of pasta dish. Although the girl looked to me to be healthy and well cared for, she was very sullen looking and refused to eat anything. Something just didn't fit - she looked unhappy and out of place. The women were talking amongst themselves and at the little girl. I couldn't understand what they were saying because they were speaking in Spanish. The little girl wasn't saying anything. I saw her from about 20 feet away for about 20-30 minutes. It was a sunny day and the restaurant was well lit. There were no obstructions in my view : I kept shifting in my seat, trying to get a good look without anyone noticing. As I left the restaurant I was about 4-5 feet away from the little girl. Her eyes met mine as I walked past and that's when

Page 4383 (Page 4 of 4)

I saw the little blemish in her right eye - it was like a little fleck - I haven't been in England for all of the press coverage and updates about Madeleine MCCANN, but I have seen photos of her on the news. From what I saw of the little girl that day I would say that I am about 85% certain that it was in fact Madeleine McCANN, She watched as I left the restaurant. I went back to my boat and I didn't see her or the females again. I was wearing my prescription glasses throughout the whole time in the restaurant. Thinking about it, it makes sense to me that the girl could be Madeleine. I have been a seaman for many years and the sailing route from Portugal ; which is a common meeting place for boats, and on to the Canaries, Barbados, Trinidad and finally the Island of Margharita is a very well trodden one. Many people prefer to carry on to Margharita rather than stay in Barbados or Trinidad as it is much cheaper. It would also make sense for her to be there as it is easy for someone to hide her away where it is less touristy. At the time I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided to come back to England and tell police as I thought it would be a better idea to report a possible sighting of a little girl who looked just like the missing Madeleine McCANN. I want to be able to help the police in finding her and would be willing to support any police action.

(signed) : T Francis.


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2019, 10:32:12 AM »

8/10/2008 Posted by Winnower

I spotted Maddie's tell-tale eye

Ross Hall
10 August 2008
The News of the World

New sighting brings hope to Gerry & Kate

A VITAL new witness in the hunt for Madeleine McCann has told cops: "I saw Maddie. I know it was her-I saw the unique blemish in her eye."

Businessman Trevor Francis is certain he spotted the missing five-year-old in Venezuela just WEEKS ago. Because of the remarkable eye detail, Gerry and Kate McCann regard this as one of the most significant sightings.


I was too afraid to grab her

Ross Hall
10 August 2008
The News of the World

Witness was sure restaurant girl was missing; Maddie but was fearful of causing a scene

THE British businessman who swears he spotted Madeleine McCann in the Caribbean just weeks ago has told of the haunting moment he saw the tell-tale blemish in her eye.

In a dramatic statement to police back in the UK yacht skipper Trevor Francis, 64, said the girl was with three women in a restaurant on the Venezuelan island of Margarita.

He recalled: "Her eyes met mine as I walked past and that's when I saw the little blemish in her right eye-it was like a little fleck."

And he added: "I wanted to grab her or shout out her name and see what reaction I would get.

"But I was afraid to do anything and cause a scene... a huge ruckus would have erupted and it could have made things worse.

"I decided to get a good look to make sure it was her so I could come back to England and report it."

Unlike all other reported sightings, fresh witness Trevor is the FIRST to get a clear view of the unique blemish matching Madeleine's eye.

McCann family spokesman Clarence Mitchell last night said the detail of his description was very significant.

He added: "The investigation team are looking into this seriously. The eye makes it potentially more serious than other sightings."

Our revelation climaxes a week in which the Portuguese police case files
were released, highlighting reported sightings across the world since Madeleine went missing from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz a year ago. Many have already been discredited or ruled out.


But now the McCanns' private investigators are making urgent enquiries into the Margarita connection. Caribbean islands are on a regular sailing route from Portugal

Divorced dad of two Mr Francis, 64, built and owns a nursing home in Worthing, West Sussex, but spends most of his time on his five-bedroom yacht Northern Seas based in Margarita.

On a recent trip home to check on business interests he made a detailed hand written statement to Sussex cops revealing he's certain he saw Madeleine on May 16 this year in the Lugar de Equenter restaurant in the town of Porlamar.

"I was in there having some lunch," said Trevor. "There was lots of light and nothing to obstruct my view.

"The door opened and three females with a little girl came in. They sat down at a table opposite me about 20 feet away. At first I did not take any notice as I was having trouble with my order. Then I glanced back and noticed the little girl was white with fair hair.

"There are sometimes white children in Venezuela but not as fair as this child. She really stood out. I was transfixed.

"She was the absolute image of the missing Madeleine McCann with chin-length straight fair hair, about four years old, a pretty girl.

"What I noticed most prominently were her eyes-they were big and staring. I shuffled in my seat so I could see 'Madeleine' clearly. I didn't pay much attention to the three women because I was concentrating on the little girl.

"However from what I saw I would say that they were all of Spanish/South American origin.

"Female '1' I can describe as being heavily built, dark short bobbed hair. Female '2' had bleached platinum blonde hair, with a slim build.

"The third had long black hair, she was heavily built. They were late 30s to early 40s. They weren't very pretty. They seemed to be local women as they didn't hesitate at finding a table when they came in and they seemed to know the waiters. One of the women was trying to feed the girl what looked like some sort of pasta dish.

"Although the girl looked healthy and well cared for, she was very sullen looking and refused to eat anything. Something just didn't fit. She looked unhappy and out of place.

"The women were talking amongst themselves and at the little girl. I couldn't understand, they were speaking in Spanish.

"The little girl wasn't saying anything, I watched her for about 20-30 minutes and decided to get a close look as I left the restaurant. Then I was four to five feet away." That was the dramatic moment Trevor spotted the tiny eye blemish. He said: "I haven't been in England for all of the press coverage and updates about Madeleine McCann but I have seen photos of her on the news. From what I saw that day I am about 85 per cent certain that it was in fact Madeleine McCann."

The eye blemish - often referred to as the "mark of Madeleine"-has formed a key part in the campaign to highlight her disappearance. It is played up prominently on posters and videos. It is actually what doctors call a coloboma-or defect-of the iris. Figures suggest it occurs in only about 0.007 per cent of the population.

Witness Trevor's son Ben, 22, of Worthing told us last night: "My dad is a very serious, credible and intelligent man. He's not the sort of person who would make things up. And he'd certainly never lie about something like this." Meanwhile, dozens of specialist police were drafted into Brussels yesterday after a bank security guard reported he saw a girl resembling her on Monday. He spoke out after case files revealed Scotland Yard had warned the child could have been stolen to order for a Belgian paedophile gang.

As detectives studied the CCTV pictures from the KBC bank in the rundown immigrant Molenbeek district, other officers trained in search techniques joined the hunt.

A spokesman said: "We're taking this very seriously. House-to-house searches have started, and numerous people are being spoken to. We're determined to establish exactly who the little girl in the CCTV images is."


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2019, 10:32:44 AM »
Restaurant Lugar de Encuentro
En Porlamar - Nueva Esparta

Dirección: Av. 4 de Mayo, Cruce con Calle San Francisco, Frente Bingo Charaima, Genoves, Porlamar, Margarita
Telefono(s): (0295)264.5182/6267



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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2019, 10:33:26 AM »
4380 to 4383 Witness statement of Trevor Francis (English)
16-Processo 16 - Pages 4380 to 4383




Table of Contents : Processo Vol 16..(PDF pages 249-252)...Pages 4380 to 4383-"Witness statement of Trevor Francis (English)"
Vol 16 Page 4380 (Page 1 of 4) (Handwritten statement)

09/06/2008 15.17 01243843566 (COPY - A3895) PAGE 01/04

RESTRICTED (when complete)

Statement of Mr Trevor FRANCIS

Age if under 18...018....(if over 18 insert 'over 18') Occupation : Retired.
This statement (consisting each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
(signed) : T Francis

Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded....(No tick indicated)

My name is Trevor FRANCIS and I am the owner of Baytree Nursing Home in Worthing. I am rarely in England as I am the captain of a charter yacht. I spend a lot of my time sailing, however I am based in a place called PORLAMAR, which is on the island of MARGARITA. For the past 18 months I have been there, living off my boat in the 'MARINA HILTON' which is what the marina is known as because it is in close vicinity of the 'HILTON' Hotel. I have been back in the UK for about 4 weeks now. This visit is so that I can check on my business etc. Just over three weeks ago, on a Friday : I am sure it was the 16th May, I was in a restaurant on the AVENUE DE MAYO - the main road in the town of PORLAMAR. I was in there with a casual female aquaintance, having some lunch. This was about 1300hours. The restaurant is called 'LUGAR DE ENQUENTER' which means 'THE MEETING PLACE' in English. It's a typical cafe/restaurant, with rows of different tables in an open plan area. The tables are in no particular arrangement, and there are large glass windows that let in plenty of sunlight ; the restaurant faces South and so gets lots of light in. As it is in an open plan restaurant there was nothing to obstruct my view of

Page 4381 (Page 2 of 4)

the other people in the restaurant. There were a few people in the restaurant. Just after about 1300hrs, the door opened and three females with a little girl came in. They sat down at a table opposite me, about 20 feet away from me. There were two tables between us, with one person at each, but they did not obstruct my view of their table. At first I did not take any notice because I was having trouble with my food - I had to send it back and the drinks were taking too long. Once I had sorted out my order, I glanced back at the table with the women and the small girl. I noticed that the little girl was white, with fair hair. There are sometimes white children in Venezuala, but not as fair as this child. She really stood out. I was transfixed. She was the absolute image of the missing Madeleine MC'CANN, with chin length straight fair hair, about 4 years old, a pretty little girl. What I noticed most prominently were her eyes - they were big and staring. Lots of things went through my mind - I wanted to jump up and grab her or shout out her name and see what reaction I would get from the girl. However I was afraid to do anything and cause a scene, as a huge raucous would have erupted, and it could have made things worse. Venezualan Police are not very helpful to foreigners and are very corrupt. I decided to get a good look to make sure it was her so I could come back to ENGLAND and reprt it. I shuffled in my seat so I could see 'Madeleine' clearly. The little girl sat facing me, with a female either side of her and one sitting on the opposite side, but not directly in front of the girl, so I could see her well.

Page 4382 (Page 3 of 4)

I didn't pay much attention to the three women because I was concentrating on the little girl. However from what I..((Note : "would say" initially written but struck through here))..saw, I would say that they were all of Spanish/South American origin. Female 'one' I can describe as being heavily built, dark short bobbed hair. Female 'two' had bleached platinum blonde hair, with a slim build. The third female, 'female three' had long black hair, and she was heavily built. I can't remember how tall they were or what clothes they were wearing, but they were aged between their late 30's to early 40's. One of them was wearing a red top but I can't remember which one. They weren't very pretty. They seemed to be local women, as they didn't hesitate at finding a table when they came in and they seemed to know the waiters. One of the women sat next to the little girl was trying to feed her what looked like some sort of pasta dish. Although the girl looked to me to be healthy and well cared for, she was very sullen looking and refused to eat anything. Something just didn't fit - she looked unhappy and out of place. The women were talking amongst themselves and at the little girl. I couldn't understand what they were saying because they were speaking in Spanish. The little girl wasn't saying anything. I saw her from about 20 feet away for about 20-30 minutes. It was a sunny day and the restaurant was well lit. There were no obstructions in my view : I kept shifting in my seat, trying to get a good look without anyone noticing. As I left the restaurant I was about 4-5 feet away from the little girl. Her eyes met mine as I walked past and that's when

Page 4383 (Page 4 of 4)

I saw the little blemish in her right eye - it was like a little fleck - I haven't been in England for all of the press coverage and updates about Madeleine MCCANN, but I have seen photos of her on the news. From what I saw of the little girl that day I would say that I am about 85% certain that it was in fact Madeleine McCANN, She watched as I left the restaurant. I went back to my boat and I didn't see her or the females again. I was wearing my prescription glasses throughout the whole time in the restaurant. Thinking about it, it makes sense to me that the girl could be Madeleine. I have been a seaman for many years and the sailing route from Portugal ; which is a common meeting place for boats, and on to the Canaries, Barbados, Trinidad and finally the Island of Margharita is a very well trodden one. Many people prefer to carry on to Margharita rather than stay in Barbados or Trinidad as it is much cheaper. It would also make sense for her to be there as it is easy for someone to hide her away where it is less touristy. At the time I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided to come back to England and tell police as I thought it would be a better idea to report a possible sighting of a little girl who looked just like the missing Madeleine McCANN. I want to be able to help the police in finding her and would be willing to support any police action.

(signed) : T Francis.


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2019, 10:35:09 AM »
Restaurant Lugar de Encuentro

En Porlamar - Nueva Esparta

Dirección: Av. 4 de Mayo, Cruce con Calle San Francisco, Frente Bingo Charaima, Genoves, Porlamar, Margarita
Telefono(s): (0295)264.5182/6267


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2019, 10:36:21 AM »

Crucial witness: Trevor Francis is convinced he saw Maddie

Monday, August 11 2008

'I saw Madeleine in Venezuela just weeks ago - and even spotted the tell-tale mark in her eye,' claims new witness

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 5:10 PM on 10th August 2008

A businessman has claimed he saw Madeleine McCann in Venezuela just weeks ago - but was too afraid to grab her in case he caused a scene.

The new evidence from Briton Trevor Francis is reportedly being treated 'very seriously' by Gerry and Kate McCann's private investigation team as it is thought to be the only sighting where the distinctive mark in Madeleine's right eye is mentioned.

Francis, a 64-year-old yacht skipper, told police in the UK he saw the little girl with three women in a restaurant on the Venezuelan island of Margarita in May, according to reports today.

However, he says he did not raise the alarm because he did not want to cause a scene and make the situation worse.

He told the News of the World: 'Her eyes met mine as I walked past and that's when I saw the little blemish in her right eye - it was like a little fleck.

'I wanted to grab her or shout out her name and see what reaction I would get. But I was afraid to cause a scene...a huge ruckus would have erupted and it could have made things worse.

'I decided to get a good look to make sure it was her so I could come back to England and report it.'

This latest revelation comes almost a week after police files were released under Portuguese law following the lifting of the period of judicial secrecy in the case.


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2019, 10:37:40 AM »


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2019, 10:38:52 AM »
AAV Yacht in Marina del Morro, Porlamar


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2019, 10:39:42 AM »



Witness was sure restaurant girl was Maddie but feared causing a scene

By Ross Hall, 10/08/2008

A VITAL new witness in the hunt for Madeleine McCann has told cops: I saw Maddie. I know it was herI saw the unique blemish in her eye.

Businessman Trevor Francis is certain he spotted the missing five-year-old in Venezuela just WEEKS ago.

Because of the remarkable eye detail, Gerry and Kate McCann regard this as one of the most significant sightings.

Trevor, who swears he spotted Madeleine McCann in the Caribbean just weeks ago, has told of the haunting moment he saw the tell-tale blemish in her eye.

In a dramatic statement to police back in the UK yacht skipper Trevor Francis, 64, said the girl was with three women in a restaurant on the Venezuelan island of Margarita.

He recalled: Her eyes met mine as I walked past and thats when I saw the little blemish in her right eyeit was like a little fleck.

And he added: I wanted to grab her or shout out her name and see what reaction I would get.

But I was afraid to do anything and cause a scene. . . a huge ruckus would have erupted and it could have made things worse.

I decided to get a good look to make sure it was her so I could come back to England and report it.

Unlike all other reported sightings, fresh witness Trevor is the FIRST to get a clear view of the unique blemish matching Madeleines eye.

McCann family spokesman Clarence Mitchell last night said the detail of his description was very significant.

He added: The investigation team are looking into this seriously.

The eye makes it potentially more serious than other sightings.

Our revelation climaxes a week in which the Portuguese police case files were released, highlighting reported sightings across the world since Madeleine went missing from the familys holiday apartment in Praia da Luz a year ago.

Many have already been discredited or ruled out.

But now the McCanns private investigators are making urgent enquiries into the Margarita connection.

Caribbean islands are on a regular sailing route from Portugal Divorced dad of two Mr Francis, 64, built and owns a nursing home in Worthing, West Sussex, but spends most of his time on his five-bedroom yacht Northern Seas based in Margarita.

On a recent trip home to check on business interests he made a detailed hand-written statement to Sussex cops revealing hes certain he saw Madeleine on May 16 this year in the Lugar de Equenter restaurant in the town of Porlamar.

I was in there having some lunch, said Trevor.

There was lots of light and nothing to obstruct my view.

The door opened and three females with a little girl came in.

They sat down at a table opposite me about 20 feet away.

At first I did not take any notice as I was having trouble with my order.

Then I glanced back and noticed the little girl was white with fair hair.

She really stood out There are sometimes white children in Venezuela but not as fair as this child.

She really stood out. I was transfixed.

She was the absolute image of the missing Madeleine McCann with chin-length straight fair hair, about four years old, a pretty girl.

What I noticed most prominently were her eyesthey were big and staring.

I shuffled in my seat so I could see Madeleine clearly.

I didnt pay much attention to the three women because I was concentrating on the little girl.

However from what I saw I would say that they were all of Spanish/South American origin.

Female 1 I can describe as being heavily built, dark short bobbed hair.

Female 2 had bleached platinum blonde hair, with a slim build.

The third had long black hair, she was heavily built.

They were late 30s to early 40s.

They werent very pretty.

They seemed to be local women as they didnt hesitate at finding a table when they came in and they seemed to know the waiters.

One of the women was trying to feed the girl what looked like some sort of pasta dish.

Although the girl looked healthy and well cared for, she was very sullen looking and refused to eat anything.

Something just didnt fit.

She looked unhappy and out of place.

The women were talking amongst themselves and at the little girl. I couldnt understand, they were speaking in Spanish.

The little girl wasnt saying anything, I watched her for about 20-30 minutes and decided to get a close look as I left the restaurant.

Then I was four to five feet away.

That was the dramatic moment Trevor spotted the tiny eye blemish.

He said: I havent been in England for all of the press coverage and updates about Madeleine McCann but I have seen photos of her on the news.

From what I saw that day I am about 85 per cent certain that it was in fact Madeleine McCann.

The eye blemish often referred to as the mark of Madeleinehas formed a key part in the campaign to highlight her disappearance.

It is played up prominently on posters and videos.

It is actually what doctors call a colobomaor defectof the iris.

Figures suggest it occurs in only about 0.007 per cent of the population.

Witness Trevors son Ben, 22, of Worthing told us last night: My dad is a very serious, credible and intelligent man.

Hes not the sort of person who would make things up.

And hed certainly never lie about something like this.

Meanwhile, dozens of specialist police were drafted into Brussels yesterday after a bank security guard reported he saw a girl resembling her on Monday.

He spoke out after case files revealed Scotland Yard had warned the child could have been stolen to order for a Belgian paedophile gang.

As detectives studied the CCTV pictures from the KBC bank in the rundown immigrant Molenbeek district, other officers trained in search techniques joined the hunt.

A spokesman said: Were taking this very seriously.

House-to-house searches have started, and numerous people are being spoken to.

Were determined to establish exactly who the little girl in the CCTV images is.



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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2019, 10:42:08 AM »
El Lugar de Encuentro
Av. 4 De Mayo (Cl. San Francisco), Porlamar,
Latin American Restaurant


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2019, 10:44:31 AM »ñanza-reinaugurando-UENB-grupo-Zulia-y-CEI-Simón-Bolívar.html

Grupo Zulia, Porlamar Schools, Margarita Island, Venezuela, February,2013


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Re: Madeleine McCann Connection
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2019, 10:46:32 AM »